Maths Homework for Kids

My niece is here for the holidays. Normally she would hog the tv and record every cartoon on tv and watched it over and over again. Plus, what I dislike the most is my Maid would pretend to look after Jayden And Justin but her eyes are focused on the tv the entire day.

So I went and searched for Maths Homework for her. Muahahhaha I AM SO HAPPY I FOUND this website. Comes with worksheet and ANSWERS! woohoooo!

So its homework for my niece and maid is back to work. Evil? muahaha I never say I am nice. :P


  1. coffeesncookies said...

    yr maid also another case.. I think if you send her to kitchen to work, her soul will still b watching tv.

  2. Anonymous said...

    It is remarkable, a useful phrase

  3. Anonymous said...

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