





Photoshop can do wonders!

Malay Urut Lady

Want to loose weight fast after giving birth? Go for traditional urut with the tunku (hot stone) being pressed to yr tummy to remove the dirty blood and massage the entire to remove "wind".

For my first time, I went for urut but using slimming cream. It took me 1 year toget back in shape.

For my 2nd pregnancy, I hired Sheila and I managed to loose weight faster this time, esp the tummy area.

You can call her, she drives around KL and Klang Valley. Very sweet and nice lady :)

Sheila 012-2318436

I was surfing online, trying to find some easy recipes to follow and I came across this website, Cooking Island. Its great for people who loves to bake but don't have the time to go and hunt for the ingredients. One word: Convinient!

This is their latest Premix Kiwi Muffin. I wanna try!

They even have a video teaching people how to bake it.

So, still wanna say "I cannot bake" ah?

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