That's how I felt when I clicked onto one of the online casinos. The designs of the site are so cool. Everything is blinking and blinking as though it is calling me to "CLICK HERE!" "CLICK HERE!!!!".
So I clicked more on the instant play and tried a few round with the Black Jack game. Yeah, I know its a boring game but its the easiest and fastest game. I'm young okay? Don't expect me to wait and fall asleep with boring games. That's why I need good online casino with superb design to keep me awake and interested. The Black Jack was good! It was easy and fast. Just the right game for me. Best of all, the instructions are so easy to follow. Good for a first timer like me! Otherwise I'll be clueless and don't know what to do.
Sorry, I need to go and play more Black Jack now. See ya!
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If you've read earlier, I have mentioned that my 2 bosses are...ahem....
Anyway, one is kwailowe and another is Chinese sporean.
The Chinese, very calculative till every cents.
The Kwailowe, wanted everything fast. Anything that can stop you being slow, change it.
So I have been complaining about my MAC, that it is super slow and something is wrong with it. Kwai was here last last week. He said buy new one. Then he went back to spore.
Then the chinese one came, I said the same thing and he said "MAC IS LIKE THIS WAN. VERY SLOW WAN. You go and settle the problem yourself la. When there is a problem, I expect you to tell me solution. Don't tell me the problem."
Fine. So I went to Apple and asked about it. And they said that we need to send it in to reformat it. So I came back and told him and he said "Okay let me check and see how first".
Fine. And he went back to spore.
Last week both of them came to Msia. True enough the MAC was about to die. And it DIED! Kapoosh Kapish! all my new designs ...gone just like that. I told the Kwai about it and he freaked. "WHAT???ALL GONE????" He was so pissed!
And they fought about it. Like husband and wife.
The kwai accused the sporean that it was his fault for not buying a new MAC.
The Chinese blamed me saying that I never settle the problem. *raise eyebrow*
The kwai defended me and scold the Chinese.
The chinese jealous.
The kwai said "I WANT TO BUY SACHA (yeah he calls and write my name like that) A NEW MAC. IF NOT SHE CANNOT DO HER WORK."
The chinese scold back. FINE!!! BUY NEW ONE FOR HER!!! SPEND 10K for ONE MAC. FINE!!!!
And then I realised that I have saved some in my personal thumb drive. And I told the Kwai about it and he was so relieved.
I told him " You better get me one thumbdrive".
And he replied "SACHA I BUY YOU ANYTHING!!!!!"
Of course the Chinese were jealous like mad.
And they went out to Ikano to look at the price.
And they came back.
And the Chinese told me, "Sasha I will get my cousin who is working MAC USA to get Someone to call back and get someone to get cheaper MAC for you. So you wait okay?."
Niamah, the whole day we just sit here and listen to them argue like husband and wife. FIne here Fine there.
And you know what?
The chinese came to my table and gave me the paper (the price list) and said
WTF. I need to choose and I cannot have problem in the future? what kind of crap is that. It's a machine not like its god cannot go rosak or something. I'm not gonna make the decision. I just smiled and kept quiet. It's kinda fun looking at the bickering at each other. haha
The kwai came to me and said "Sacha I'll go spore and check out the MAC okay?"
:D okay ...I said.
The chinese is angry and jealous. Eh not my prob that your bf is doing the right thing to be Nice to the staff okay.
So now, I'm MAC-less and I'm using my own laptop to work. *sigh*
You see when they fight I suffer the most. And you know what, I'm not involved in the love triangle also why I kena leh?
Labels: Rant
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In fact SHE IS BIG in size.
Tell me, for her to send me the customer's logo and the powerpoint file to my email.
Ask me to PUT the Image Into The Powerpoint and to send it back to her and she will send it to the customer for approval.
OR for her to put the image which is already IN HER PC with the Powerpoint FILE IN HER PC, Put the damn picture in and send direct to the customer.
Which one is easier?
Which one is faster?
Why? Lazy? Stupid? Too Big Izit? wtf go die la.
Labels: Rant
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It’s very simple. When you receive this tag, copy the whole list and add your own shopping tip to the bottom and pass it on.
1. Wear comfy clothing when you’re shopping. You don’t wanna fuss with too many laces and buttons when you’re trying clothes on.
2. Choose stores offering some kind of reward program, e.g. purchase points, rebates or store coupons. Knowing how the program works and when to use them will save you a lot of money in the long run. http://kakishopping.giddytigers.com3. When buying pants or jeans, try to try them on with a pair of heels so you know its the right length. If you don’t and wear it with heels later, you might find that it hangs at an awkward length.
4. We are always lure to buy the latest lipstick colour in town. Before you respond to magazine’s review and recommendation, make sure you try on the colour and walk around for a while before deciding to purchase it. Lipstick colour looks different when it’s absorbed on the lips and lightings can alter the way you look too. This will avoid buying a lipstick that doesn’t look so great on you afterall
5. Don’t buy bras just before your period! I have big boobs just before period and the boobs deflated after my period, making the bra looks ‘unfull-filled’ Same thing with buying shoes in the evening. Your feet are bigger in the evening. Women Only!
6. If you're planning to buy heels, avoid wearing sports shoes or covered shoes. You'll spend more time removing and putting them back on everytime you try on a new pair of heels. Sasha's TagsnSuch
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